The Myth of Being Perfect

Troy Ismir
3 min readNov 28, 2022


I grew up with the erroneous belief that when I do something it has to be done perfectly. It got in my head that the only way to be of value to the world was to be perfect.

These conditioned beliefs have kept me playing small and shrinking back. It has held me back from taking chances for fear that people may find out I am anything but perfect.

I read a quote the other day from a book called “God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu…” by Bishop Carlton Pearson that deeply resonated with me.

“A person needn’t be perfect to be great.” -Bishop Carlton Pearson

The Facade of Being Perfect

I know this may come as a shock to you, but I am less than perfect. The image of perfection is a persona I have tried to hold up for years. It was a great way to protect myself from being vulnerable.

I didn’t want anyone to see I had chinks in my armor. It kept me safe, but it also kept me in quiet desperation trying to keep up the façade of being perfect.

I bought into the lie that I can’t make a difference in the world because I have flaws.

The destructive inner voice has kept me from seeing myself the way God sees me. My insatiable ego hammers away at me trying to get me out of alignment with the truth of who I am.

We Are All Divine Beings

The truth is we are all divine beings who also have a human side with flaws.

We are not defined by those flaws unless we allow ourselves to be. It’s easy to use our humanity as an escape clause from doing the work to recognize our divinity. I have used the excuse that I am riddled with flaws so how can I be great?

The truth is we all have flaws, but that should never hold us back from our greatness.

It’s up to me to recognize who I am, accept and embrace that I am human, but ultimately realize I am a divine being who is unlimited and powerful.

That’s what I get to step into this year with courage and confidence. It’s time to let go of the false idea that I have to be perfect in order to make a difference in the world. I am discovering something completely opposite of that.

Our Humanity Makes Us Relatable

The more I reveal my flaws and show my human side, the more relatable I am giving other people hope that if I can do the work to free myself from past conditioning and find inner peace so can everyone else.

I am learning to accept my humanity with grace and compassion. I will continue to work every day towards being a master of myself. I will fall down often, but I will keep getting back up.

I love this saying from Lao Tzu,

“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” -Lao Tzu

I am moving towards self-mastery. That doesn’t mean being perfect. It means radical self-acceptance of my humanity fully recognizing my divinity. That is true power.

Troy Ismir

Spiritual Warrior

Inner Transformation Coach



Troy Ismir
Troy Ismir

Written by Troy Ismir

The mission of Inner Power Collective by Troy Ismir is to help men heal, awaken spiritually and live authentically.

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