Serenity in Practice

Troy Ismir
2 min readNov 8, 2023


Open space.

Fresh turf.

A large bucket of golf balls.

It’s serenity.

It’s peace.

Being one with the club.

Swinging with reverence.

Learning what I am there to learn.

The intricacies of the swing.

The detailed movements of my body.

It’s a challenge I have embraced.

I am determined to play spiritually.

It has to be more than a score.

It has to be more than hours spent hitting a ball.

It’s for a deeper connection to Self.

It’s an expression of Self.

It’s finding stillness in motion.

It’s about connection to others who are passionate about the game.

It’s a peace that passes all understanding.

Hours go by like seconds.

I don’t know what time it is and I don’t care.

I am lost in the serenity of practice.

It deepens the truth of who I am.

It’s an art.

It’s poetry in motion.

Golf is so much more than getting a little white dimpled ball into a 4.25 inch hole.

It’s for a deeper understanding of Self.

If I haven’t walked away from practice with a deeper knowing, I have missed the point.

It’s a practice of Self-mastery.

That is true power.

That is serenity.

For the love of the game.

For the passion of knowing the truth.

For the experience of nature.

For the presence of mind.

For the inspiration of seeing how great I can become.

It’s more than just a game.

It’s a dance between my humanity and divinity.

I find deep serenity in my practice.

Play Inspired,

T. Anthony

The Golf Poet



Troy Ismir

My mission is to help men heal from the pain of not knowing who we are as men in today's world, returning to the essence of our manhood, a courageous soul.