Living Life Unleashed
Indulge me while I tell a dog story that could potentially transform your life. As I was out for my morning walk in beautiful Boulder, Colorado with my dog Oakley, I saw two different sides of her. The leashed side and the unleashed side.
Her leashed side is docile and tame with an energy that feels like she is being held captive and contained by her leash.
Freedom, Passion and Mischievousness
When she is unleashed I see her come completely alive. She has this look of freedom, passion and some mischievousness, but in a good way.
There isn’t a stick around that she doesn’t love to put in her mouth. She is quite simply being a dog in all her glory.
It brings a smile to my face to see her simply being a dog. She knows who she is when she is living life unleashed.
Of course there are times she needs to be on leash for her own safety. It’s not about being reckless, but about being free and alive.
Self-Imposed Leash
How many of us are living our lives on a self-imposed leash? How many of us are living a life of safety and security because we forgot who we are, a beloved son or daughter of God?
Like Oakley, we feel like we are being held captive and contained by our own doing. We have simply forgot who we are.
We are meant to live a life unleashed. God wants us to live a life of freedom, passion and yes with some mischievousness used for good.
As I reflect back on my own life I have just about choked the life out of my soul because of my self-imposed leash. The need for safety and security has run deep into the core of my being. Can you relate?
Take a Chance on Yourself
I didn’t believe in myself enough to take a chance on myself mainly because I have this deep running fear of not being loved so I have played it so damn safe in my life.
I am learning what it means to live a life unleashed. The only way I can even begin to do this is by seeing myself the way God sees me. As his beloved son. Nothing I ever do or say can take that away.
Until I step into that and what that means, I will live a small life with my three foot leash keeping me safe when I should be running free living a life that is divinely inspired.
If you are struggling with that same feeling of feeling contained by your self-imposed three foot leash, I want to encourage you to gradually lengthen that leash.
Granted it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process, but until you start to believe in who you are, you are going to continue to live a life that feels like quiet desperation.
I say go for it and take a chance on yourself. Live a little. Have some fun. Get out of your comfort zone and do something you wouldn’t normally do.
Oakley showed me a great lesson this morning. We should be living a life unleashed with short periods of time having our leash on so we can balance out being wild and free with moments of safety and security. Without this balance we are doomed to a life of mediocrity not being who we truly are.
Now go take a chance on yourself and take your leash off and live wild and free.
Troy Ismir
Spiritual Warrior
Founder and Creator of Barbells & Brothers