Inner Peace…Where are You?

Troy Ismir
4 min readAug 30, 2019


Why does inner peace seem so elusive? Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like I find it for a period of time and then it mysteriously slips away. And when it does slip away there is little joy in my life.

Worry and Fear Rob our Inner Peace

The two biggest robbers of our inner peace are worry and fear. I worry about trying to make everyone happy and fear rears its ugly head when I fully step into sharing my voice on my entrepreneurial adventure.

I made a commitment to myself that I would write a blog post every day for the next 365 days. I do love to write. In the past I have written pretty conservative blog posts mainly about fitness and nutrition. Two of my biggest passions. But as my life as matured and evolved my faith has really become the most important thing in my life and that is what I am finding that I am writing about more and more these days. I am still very passionate about health and fitness, but without Jesus in my life, nothing else really matters.

What’s Your Resistance?

As I have been expressing my voice over the last ten days and showing more of my authentic self I started to get the worst sore throat and terrible mouth pain all on my right side. I was trying to understand what was going on and why this was happening. After I did some research and consulting I realized that there was resistance showing up sharing my authentic voice.

I have always believed in energy centers to some extent, but not fully understanding how our emotions and what we are thinking and feeling effects our body. The 5th energy center or chakra is the area of the throat. To be open and aligned with the 5th energy center is to speak, listen, and express ourselves from a higher form of communication.

Interestingly enough, as soon as I decided I was going to put my voice out there more in the form of writing my throat closed up. I have experienced intense throat, mouth and tongue pain and my body feels exhausted. I have also felt very tense and out of sorts for the last week. I have had little joy and inner peace.

After this realization, I believe I am under some level of spiritual attack. As I share more about my faith and what Jesus means to me in my life, it’s a little uncomfortable. Thoughts of what will people think of me swirl through my head.

Be Your Authentic Self…No Matter What

Writing about fitness is safe. Fitness will always be a big part of my life, but as I step off the fitness platform a little more and step onto the faith platform, I realize the dynamic completely changes. My life’s work is the integration of faith and fitness. As I truly express myself not everyone is going to agree or like what I have to say. I am going to have to be OK with that. Certainly not everyone liked what Jesus had to say.

As I step into my speaking and writing ministry and fully express who I am and the huge impact I want to make in the world, I realize that my biggest obstacle is me and the resistance I am putting up. It has shown up big time with severe physical symptoms that pretty much wiped me out this past week.

Jesus is Rest for our Soul

I now understand that Jesus can be the only one that can bring me rest and peace to my soul. I am going to write what is being put on my heart. I am going to pray and meditate that I will have inner peace regardless of my circumstances. I will let go of control and embrace the uncertainty of life and trust God and all of His promises. That is the only way to true inner peace.

I will leave you with this scripture that says it all about inner peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27 To answer the question, inner peace where are you? It is in the hope we have in Jesus. Pray and meditate on that my friends.

Troy Ismir, MS

Author, Podcaster, Speaker and Spiritual Warrior Coach

Spiritual Warriors Unite Podcast




Troy Ismir

My mission is to help men heal from the pain of not knowing who we are as men in today's world, returning to the essence of our manhood, a courageous soul.