Embrace the Tree
All I have to do is be like a tree.
My feet are rooted deep into the ground.
I am unshakeable.
My spine is like a trunk of the tree.
I am grounded, centered and balanced.
My head is lifted tall like the tip of the tree.
I am proud of who I am.
My arms are like the branches.
I simply sway with the wind.
I take no thought of what I will eat or drink.
I know I will have enough for today.
I simply rest in being a tree.
A tree has nothing to prove.
It just has to be itself.
A tree provides beauty by being true to her soul.
Every tree has her own unique character.
Her rhythm.
Her inner strength.
Her own unique style.
She never doubts herself.
She simply is.
So many lessons from a tree.
I walk by and ponder what it feels like to be a tree.
It seems easy.
It seems light.
It seems like the way we are meant to live life.
I am learning to be like a tree.
Embrace the tree.
Be True to Your Soul,
Troy Ismir
Spiritual Warrior