
Troy Ismir
3 min readOct 6, 2020


What do you crave? I crave dark chocolate, peanut butter and blueberry pancakes smothered with peanut butter and maple syrup. I crave a romantic kiss under the moonlight, deep conversation that is profound and meaningful and holding hands with the one I love.

But as I go on this journey of life and become more aware of what is truly important, I crave more than ever to live a life of purpose.

I haven’t always been that way. For many years it was all about me. I still struggle with selfishness in many ways. God is working on my heart to learn how to put others needs before my own. That is the way of the spiritual warrior. Going on a transcendent cause greater than ourselves.

Desires, Passions and Cravings

To find our purpose is to find our reason for being. Our purpose is fueled by our desires, passions and cravings.

What burns inside of me is to help men live inspired lives of purpose through the integration of faith and fitness.

What fuels me is to build a tribe of spiritual warriors one man at a time who are willing to go on this journey of risk and adventure together.

What holds men back including myself is the battle with self-doubt. We don’t think we are enough so we play it safe. We worry too much about what others think about us and are not concerned enough about what God thinks of us.

Take a Chance

I have learned the only way to over come this need for comfort and security is to take a chance on myself.

I recently did that once again, by leaving the comfort and security of a place that I lived for the past three years building a successful personal training business. For the first time in my life I recognized that I could be successful as an entrepreneur. I am doing what I love, making a difference in men’s lives.

But God is calling me for more. My hearts desire and craving is to write professionally, podcast, speak, and be an online influencer that honors and glorifies God.

Courageous Vulnerability

The fire burns bright, deep down in my soul. Of course there is the fear of failure and of being rejected. I am putting my work out to the world. But the only way to make an impact in the world is to be courageously vulnerable.

I have almost been taken out a number of times in the last six months because of what people have said about me. It made me think I am not qualified to do God’s work. But then God reminds me through the pain that he doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.

So in my messed up brokenness, God reminds me that I am His son. That I am a saint who sins and that He can use me for his purposes.

All I have to do is be available for Him to use me. God isn’t looking for perfect people, because they don’t exist, but he is looking for available people.

Risky Prayer

If you want to take a huge risk, pray this prayer.

God use me. I am available. Use me any way you see fit. Root out any character defects that are holding me back from stepping into my purpose. For your honor and glory. Amen.

That is a dangerous prayer. It will bring you to the end of yourself. It will also bring you to the point of feeling fully alive. And there is nowhere I would rather be than in that place of knowing that I am living my purpose.

I will ask you again, what do you crave? We all crave something. We all have passions and desires. Are you listening to the still, small voice in your mind that says to take a chance on yourself? You are worth it. Life is too short not to.

As I step into my purpose, I feel more abundant than ever feeling more connected to God.

Take it from somebody who has lived a life of safety and security for most of my life, the only way to feel fully alive is when we start to live dangerously accepting the mystery of life and God.

Troy Ismir

Spiritual Warrior

Founder and Creator of Barbells & Brothers



Troy Ismir

My mission is to help men heal from the pain of not knowing who we are as men in today's world, returning to the essence of our manhood, a courageous soul.